ChildSafe and Safe Dance® Policies
To chat with a Child Safety Officer please contact Leiana Morey 0409 359 947
If you believe a child is at immediate risk of abuse phone 000 – If you SEE something, SAY something.
Volunteer Committee

Leiana Morey
Child Safety Officer

Samantha Dalla Santa

Ms Cate Preston






Code of Conduct
With the safety of our families a number one priority, Peninsula Ballet School is very serious about upholding Child Protection laws and policies within the studio as well as at public performances and in the online arena.
To ensure a happy and positive experience for all involved, it is important that students, parents including legal guardians or carers, extended friends and family members and staff understand and comply with the below conduct:
Student and Parent/Carer Conduct
Demonstrate respect for teachers, parents, staff and other students at all times. No bullying, gossip or isolation of other
In the case of a parent, carer, family or friend or student showing disrespect, inappropriate, aggressive or defamatory
behaviour to any parent, staff member or student, this will not be tolerated and a meeting will be called immediately.
Following a formal meeting, disciplinary action may be taken, including dismissal.
Serve as a role model to younger dancers at all times, including appropriate language and behaviour.
Present to class in a tidy and well-groomed manner
Show respect and care for studio equipment, facilities and costumes.
Attend class regularly unless ill or injured, or in the event of a family emergency.
Honour prior commitments made to the studio and school, by attending classes, rehearsals and performances.
Parents/carers/family to understand and support the Peninsula Ballet School approach by encouraging children to show
commitment and positivity while working to the best of their own ability.
Refrain from taking photographs or video without permission.
Parents/carers/family to take responsibility to read email or other communications and updates, to keep up to date with
activities and important information
Ask for help if you need it – we are here for you. Raise any concerns with a teacher or staff member through reception or
with the principal.
A breach of the Code of Conduct will result in one written warning. Further breaches may result in immediate
cancellation of enrolment or termination of contract.
Social Media
Peninsula Ballet School’s Social Media policy refers to all social networking sites, video/photo sharing sites, blogs, micro-
blogs, wikis, podcasts, forums, instant messaging and geo-spatial tagging.
Please remember that your anonymity on Social Media is never guaranteed.
Your behaviour on Social Media must remain in keeping with Peninsula Ballet School’s Code of Conduct
Any comments or posts perceived to be obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or hateful towards
staff, students or families of PBS may subject the poster to disciplinary or legal action.
No content revealing or referring to sensitive studio information is allowed to be shared online. Intellectual property laws
must be observed.
We discourage parents, students and teachers from becoming ‘friends’ or ‘followers’ on Social Media.
You may not post photographs/videos that feature Peninsula Ballet School dancers other than your own online without
the proven consent of their parent/guardian.